How to install CCTV Camera?

In today’s world CCTV camera carry out a major role in operating the security system. Whether it’s our home or working please, CCTV system helps us to keep a check on all activities taking place. Here are a few major steps to follow in order to have a proper CCTV. Security 360 is one of the best security company provides the best quality CCTV Cameras. How to install CCTV Camera at your home.

Choosing the correct position and installation location

Security system can be installed in a number of different locations, camera location may depend on the following

Step 1. Distance from the camera to DVR

Step 2. Environmental conditions

Step 3. Lighting conditions

Step 4. Intended monitoring areas

These are some Basic steps to Installation. When cameras are positioned correctly, It eliminates the need for additional cameras to cover your target area and maximize the efficiency of your security system. However, if security cameras are positioned incorrectly it can lead to blind spots or objects too far to view in detail. Keep these points in mind so you can get the most out of your security system. Installing cameras at an elevated position can help to keep your camera out of range of vandals or burglars. Position the cameras at a location that captures as much area as possible without sacrificing video quality. Here’s an example, if your target is a backyard gate position the camera so you can see the gate and the surrounding area.

How to Install CCTV Camera at Home

In order to capture someone entering the area and not just the gate itself. To monitor the front of the house Install camera where the roof meets the walls, this will shelter the camera from elements and have a better field of view. Most burglars entered through front or back door so it’s very important to install a Camera there, It is recommended to install cameras either above the door or to the side. Placing the camera at a slight angle will allow you to see who is approaching your front door and will give you the opportunity to see the persons face. Other ideal locations are next to windows or rooms that have high price valuable. In this post, How to CCTV Camera Proper Installation for easy steps.

In order to get the best quality picture, do not point the camera towards a light source or towards a window. Pretending to see outside may result in a poor image because of reflection and lighting. Moreover, it’s not suitable to place camera into a shaded area that’s looking into a well-lit area as this will result in a poor display. For the best results The light to the sensor located at the front of the camera needs to be the same as the light at the target. The camera uses infrared LEDs to see at night, clean the lenses from time to time if the picture degrades.

Basic steps to Installation

Materials to be used in CCTV camera setup.

Basic steps to Installation are described in this post. CCTV cameras are connected to a recorder in order to record or monitor what the camera had captured. In CCTV installation, you will find various different shapes of cameras such as a bullet camera or a dom camera and many more. Another thing you will find in installation is what we call the digital video recorder(DVR). DVR is the device that records all video from the cameras. Cctv cameras are connected to the DVR depending on the number of cameras used at a location. Whether 4 cameras are being installed or 8 cameras, all will be connected to the DVR using a cable called the coaxial cable. A connector named the BNC connector is fitted to the coaxial cable before you can use it to connect to the DVR.

Apart from the DVR, the Security Cameras, and then the cables, you will also need a monitor. The monitoring screen is connected to the HDMI port or the VGA port of the DVR. You can as well monitor your CCTV cameras on mobile phones. In that case, a router or an internet connection to your DVR is required. All the devices mentioned using the dc power supply in order to function. However, the cameras required a special power supply unit that is designed specifically for camera functioning. All these materials are required for CCTV Camera Setup.

How to install CCTV camera?

Installation begins with the camera video connection, where a coaxial cable is used to connect video to the camera. This is done by plugging the male BNC into the female BNC while the other end of the cable is connected to the DVR. When all the video cables are connected to the DVR, we are left with the power connection and wiring. The power adapter is plugged into the camera and the other end of the power cable will be taken to the power supply unit where each terminal block receives each camera. After all the cameras are fully wired, all you have to do is power up the system. The DVR starts loading and very soon you’ll see all cameras view on your monitor screen. In this post, we are sharing the CCTV Camera Installation Guide and its process.

Writer: Shiza Imran

Updated: 09 July 2022

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